In Memory of Rodney E. Ressie
Rodney Ervin Ressie, of Rice Lake, passed to his Heavenly Home on June 19, 2023 at Mayo ICU in LaCrosse, WI.
He was born to Ervin and Ruby Ressie on August 4, 1934, and would live a full life of 88 years. He attended grade and high school in Fountain City, spent a couple years in the Navy, and then worked for the North Western Rail Road until retiring in 1989, The Corps of Engineers at Lock and Dam 5A.
He was married to LaVonne J. Tullius in 1953, who preceded him in death in 1986.
Rod lived on a hobby farm near Fountain City, WI and married A. Ann (Stellpflug) Lettner on April 15, 1989 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Fountain City. They then moved to Hayward, WI and would live for 11 years on Nelson Lake. Here he joined the Hayward Lions Club. In 2000 Rod and Ann moved to a country home near Rice Lake, where they enjoyed the fresh air, using his ID mower, and keeping the place looking nice.
Rod was a fan of the Packers, chicken wing Sundays, and watching Badger TV. He also enjoyed watching golf, baseball, hockey and tennis, in addition to being a country music fan - especially George Jones and Johnny Cash. Rod was known to have a smoke house, making homemade sausage, bacon, bologna and much more. He engaged in many conversations, sharing stories with friends about fishing or deer hunting. Many knew him to be a generous person, noted for his Dill Pickles (many a jar ended up with someone else).
Rod is survived by wife, Ann; sons, Kevin and Scott; daughter, Heide and many nieces and nephews. Also, grandkids and great grandkids; along with step children, step grandkids, and great grandkids.
Funeral Mass will be held at 11 AM on Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Our Lady of Lourdes, Dobie with Fr. Ed Anderson officiating. Visitation one hour prior. Interment Dobie Cemetery.
We had a wonderful marriage of 34 years, you will be missed by all! Love you Rod, Ann.
Last Update: Jun 22, 2023 11:27 am CDT