In Memory of Keith M. Westrom
Keith Marvin Westrom, age 59, a resident of Grantsburg, WI passed away on June 13, 2024 at the Burnett Medical Center Continuing Care Center in Grantsburg, WI.
Keith made his first appearance on March 29, 1965. No one knew before that time how special Keith would be except God Himself. God’s plan has always been to touch people with His love and Keith was one of His special agents to do just that. Not only did Keith love everyone, but everyone loved him. Big sister Renee says, “I’ve never seen Keith angry at anyone a single day of his life” – “nothing could ruffle Keiths feathers.” That was just how Keith rolled, living life and loving everyone. But let’s back up a bit and share a bit of his story.
Upon his arrival, it was discovered that Keith had down syndrome and the Dr’s then recommended that he be put in a home where “all of his special health conditions and needs could be cared for by professionals” which was a nice way to say “It’s just going to be too much for you to care for him, so just put him in a home”. It was said that Keith would have heart conditions and multiple health issues that would plague him his whole life. Little did they know that Keith would have none of these and in fact would hardly ever be sick and was probably healthier than anyone else in the family. Never a hint of heart condition except an enlarged heart of love for everyone. In those days there was no way of detecting Downs ahead of time. But it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. God had chosen to gift this special little boy not only to Marvin, Louise, Mark and Renee, but also the community of Grantsburg, and none of them could imagine the huge blessing Keith was to be, as God’s plan was bigger than just immediate family. Yes, there were challenges and some very difficult days but God gave grace to Marv and Louise to say “No, Keith is our son and we will raise him”. So, raise him they did and with the help of God and a whole community, Keith became a gift to the entire Grantsburg area.
Keith started school at age 5. He was enrolled in the Special Ed Class at Nelson Elementary school in Alpha, just 2 miles from home. With the loving care of these special teachers and especially Kathy Molin (Bowers), Keith grew and learned and laughed and played along with others. Keith was always kind and gentle. During this time Keith acquired the nick name “Goose” or “Goose Man”. It kind of grew out of others saying about Keith “you silly goose” and it stuck. Keith grew in popularity so much in town, that if someone would walk down the main street sidewalk with Keith, people would call out and wave “Hey Goose” from across the street totally ignoring the others walking with him.
With a big brother who was a champion of sports, Keith grew to love basketball and could whip just about anyone playing pig or horse. Keith had developed a way to hold and shoot that basketball and could swish a shot from just about anywhere. Family and friends quickly learned not to challenge him to any type of basketball game. I am pretty sure Mark and Renee set up others “Oh go shoot some basketball with Keith, he’d love that!” What they should have told any unsuspecting stranger was “Oh go shoot some buckets with Keith, he’ll kick your butt”. Any who played with him soon learned that they’d been set up by Mark or Renee who got a kick out of watching Keith so just that.
Keith graduated at age 18 and began working at DSI in Siren the next Fall. He was excited to go and bring a sack lunch to work just like Dad. Keith loved work and worked day in and out putting together hydraulic couplers for Parker Hennepin. As he became more proficient in this, he became a quality control inspector of the piecework that others were doing. He worked at DSI for 32 years and for his birthday he would buy bakery treats for all of his co-workers. They were sad to see him go when he retired at age 50.
As mentioned earlier Keith loved sports but he was especially a huge Viking Fan. Whenever the Vikings lost Keith wouldn’t even be able to say the word “lost”. He would just say “had a bad day”. He’d love to sit and watch pretty much anything that ended in ball. Basketball, Baseball, Football. One time after he had moved into CCC and was snoozing and watching football with brother Mark, a field goal was kicked and though Mark thought Keith was out of it and not watching with eyes closed and resting, all the sudden Keith’s arms went up and he said “Good”! Mark couldn’t help but laugh and realize that even with eyes seemingly closed Keith was following the game!
Keith was a jokester! He would often give a jab without even looking up. Then he’d just smile and be tickled in his heart. When he saw Marks wife Beth’s hair at their wedding, he called it “Big Puff Hair”. Once when he got up from the table after eating to his fill, he rubbed his hands on his tummy and said “I ate too much”, then turned and looked down to Christa’s pregnant tummy and said “you ate too much too!” then laughed. He loved to tease and play games with people like dominoes and checkers and to his niece Brianna he’d say with thumbs pointing downward “You’re going down”. He was a tough checkers player but brought joy at every turn.
Keith loved all types of music. He loved hymns, but his favorite was “Beautiful Savior”. Whenever he heard it or sang it, tears would be running down his face as he sang. Gospel music, Country music, Bluegrass were loved by Keith and you could always see his toe tapping along. If he was in a rocking chair he would practically rock in time.
Keith loved when Mark and Beth took him to the big theater to watch StarWars Rogue 1. He bought a 5 gallon pop and about the same popcorn. When the big screen came on with eyes popping out, never took his eyes off the screen even when drinking pop or taking a handful of popcorn, and when the movie was done and walking back through the theater he never stopped talking, and in the car, never stopped talking, and at home, never stopped talking about it.
Keith loved to “look good” and would always have matching socks that would color coordinate with his shirt. He was also great at checking with the rest of us to make sure we matched and if we didn’t, he’d let us know. Along with looking good he wanted everything nice and neat. Everything had to be in its place. His closet looked like a Daytons department store with everything neatly folded on the shelf and in its place with hangers neatly and evenly spaced two fingers apart. Keith also loved going shopping with Renee for Christmas gifts and was very generous with his money and knew just what he wanted to get for each family member.
In about 2016 Keith was having some more difficulty so went to live with Renee and Randy. He had his own room and really loved his space as long as a ball game was on. Many good memories were made there as well. Keith always wanted the leg at Thanksgiving. One year when they went to pull off the turkey leg after it had been taken out of the oven, all the meat stayed with the bird so it was just the bone. It was decided to put just the bare bone on Keith’s plate anyway. Keith looked down and then picked up the bone and with his tongue flipping in and out rapidly pretended like he was enjoying it while laughing and smiling the whole time. He always did what he could to turn a situation into something funny or enjoyable.
Keith’s health began to decline and he needed more help than what Renee and Randy could give so Daniel Gaffney, husband of Brianna Klawitter, and a former CNA, came every day for a month to help. Keith loved Daniel but with a twinkle in his eye, always called him “Dandy!” Before long he needed more care than could be given at home and a room was found in Grantsburg CCC. They were amazing with Keith and cared for him with such love, joy and patience. We will all be eternally grateful for all that Carol and the Nurses did to make his life as good as possible for these last years.
As we mentioned in the beginning of this writing, Keith brought joy to all he touched. Even when his father Marvin Died, he knew he had to be the “man of the house” so he told Louise “I’ll take care of you”. He understood life and death perhaps better than we might think. When Mom (Louise) died tears ran down his cheeks. He knew she was gone and it’s been harder for him since.
On June 13, this man we all know as “Goose”, who had brought so much joy to our lives and this community, stepped out of his old worn-out body and into a brand-new body and mind. He is with his loving Savior whom he loved and knew. He’s reunited with his dad Marvin and mom Louise again in heaven for all eternity. But Keith will be remembered and loved by all for years to come.
Keith is survived by his brother Mark (Beth Westrom), Sister Renee (Randy Klawitter) , and many nieces and nephews as well as thousands memories and touches of Joy! And we gather here today to say good bye, we can clearly see him again say “It’s Good!”
Services for Keith will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM (visitation from 1-2 PM) at the New Home Church in Grantsburg, WI., with Pastor Emory Johnson officianting. Burila will follow at the Riverside Cemetery with pallbearers Ethan Deal, Daniel Gaffney, Ethan Klawitter, Caleb Klawitter, Kevin Westrom and Bryan Westrom.
Arrangements were entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home.
Last Update: Jun 17, 2024 1:15 pm CDT