In Memory of Brian L. Kamin
October 11, 1960 - April 16, 2018
Brian Lee Kamin, 58; born October 10, 1960, took his place with the Lord Monday April 16, 2018 with his family by his side.
He was raised in the Town of Chicog and a graduate of Spooner High School; after which he immediately joined and served 4 years in the US Navy. While in the Navy on the Island of St. Thomas; he met his wife Joanie and made St. Thomas his home for over 30 years. He owned his own HVAC and appliance repair business, and because of his love for being on the sea he also worked on lobster and charter boats.
In his younger years you would always find Brian outside fishing, hunting and trapping with his Grandfather Frank Mattie Sr. His love for fishing and hunting continued throughout his life. While living in St. Thomas one of his greatest joys was entering deep sea fishing tournaments and was very proud of his many trophies.
The last few years of his life were spent back home in Wisconsin spending quality time with his family fishing, deer and grouse hunting, gardening, and playing cards with family and friends.
Brian; a kind, good hearted man that would do anything for anyone; always wanting everyone to be happy and taken care of. Always quick with a joke and a contagious smile that would melt your heart, yet not afraid to shed a tear for someone that was hurting or in need. He touched so many hearts. Anyone that new him was truly blessed.
He is survived by the Love of His Life his Wife Joanie (Bryan), his Mother Phyllis Kamin, his sister Caroline Kamin. He will be missed by many friends, family, and by his aunts; Beverly Dennis, Joyce Davis, Barb Duvall, and Nancy Lee.
Graveside service will be held late Spring-early Summer at Chicog Cemetery with the assistance of Bratley-Nelson Spooner Funeral Home.
Last Update: Dec 16, 2018 5:45 pm CST