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Empowering Americans, Advancing Opportunities, Removing Barriers

WATCH: Pastor Brian Cole’s Weekly Sunday Sermon - Jan. 22, 2023

This week, Brian Cole talks about sex outside of marriage and adultery, and just exactly what takes place within our bodies and souls when this happens.

WATCH: Pastor Brian Cole’s Weekly Sunday Sermon - Jan. 22, 2023

Editor’s Note: Each Sunday, DrydenWire.com publishes Pastor Brian Cole’s Sunday Sermon from the previous week's message at the Oaks Community Church.

This Week's Sunday Sermon

"Join us as we continue through the book of 1 Corinthians. In this portion, we study a crucial text on the subject of sex outside of marriage and adultery, and just exactly what takes place within our bodies and souls when this happens. Have you been violated in your past through sexual immorality? If so, the end of this message is for you and you're healing."

Note: The first 20 minutes of this video is a ministry moment with the Pregnancy Resource Center located in Ashland, WI.

If unable to stream above, click here.

About Brian Cole

After 33 years of Satan worship and drug addictions - 27 years in prison for crimes ranging from petty theft to 1st-degree aggravated assault - in 2009 Brian was arrested for the last time. After getting involved in a faith-based addictions program in the county jail, the very Lord he had denied and mocked for so many years got hold of him and set him free!

Since his release from prison in 2010, Brian has been on the road speaking at various events and schools across the country sharing his testimony of the transformation Jesus has accomplished in his life. In 2012 he was hired as a youth pastor/associate pastor at an EFree Church in Stanley, WI, where he was licensed and served for 4 1/2 years. Brian has been Senior Pastor at The Oaks Church in Drummond, WI. since September of 2016 and has been ordained through Converge great lakes. He is also a volunteer at Prison Fellowship and is part of the Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry. His love second to Christ is his family and dog, Luke.

About Oaks Community Church

The Oaks Community Church is passionate about glorifying God in a corporate gathering. This is done by everything we do - from expository preaching: Going through the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse to present the Word of God as it is written and making passages understandable to all - for our flourishing and to the glory of God. We also have a love feast after every service to build relationships and fellowship. We offer University classes in the spring and fall teaching theology, Hermeneutics, Church history, apologetics, and much more. Between May and October, we have monthly 'Biker Sundays' where we have a special service for Bikers and go for a 100+ mile ride after service.

We are located at 14695 County Highway N in Drummond, and you can find our website at: oaksofdrummond.com. We also can be found on YouTube and Facebook. Or you can call us at 715-491-7461.

Last Update: Jan 23, 2023 8:52 am CST

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