WASHBURN COUNTY -- Beginning 8:00 am July 15th, if you or a person known to you is experiencing a mental crisis within Washburn County and in need of assistance, please use the new mental health crisis number established specifically for Washburn County and discard all previous mental health crisis phone numbers.
The new number is 888-860-0373.
This number should be used for immediate mental health crisis needs including people experiencing suicidal ideation, thoughts of self-harm or other mental health emergencies. Callers will be connected with a mental health professional familiar with resources in Washburn County and/or can assist in navigating through the mental health crisis.
For the past several years Northwest Connections has provided a regional mental health crisis line that served Washburn County. In an effort to better serve people experiencing a mental health crisis in Washburn County, Washburn County Health and Human Services Department has created a crisis line that will be able to provide more localized resources and community safety plans.
Future calls to Northwest Connections will be re-directed back to the Washburn County Mental Health Crisis Line. For further information or questions, please contact Marie Schrankel at 715.468.4747 or mschrank@co.washburn.wi.us.
Last Update: Jul 12, 2019 7:59 pm CDT