(UPDATE) Spooner School Board Votes 5-2 On 4th Quarter Attendance Plan

SASD's Board of Education will take up a voted Monday night during a Regular Meeting of the BOA

(UPDATE) Spooner School Board Votes 5-2 On 4th Quarter Attendance Plan


SPOONER, WI -- The Spooner Area Schol District Board of Education voted 5-2 in favor of continuing "Level Two" of the SASD's reopening levels. Students will remain to have Wednesdays as "remote learning" days.

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Spooner School Board To Vote On 4th Quarter Attendance Plan Tonight

SPOONER, WI -- The Spooner Area School District (SASD) Board of Education (BOE) will take up a vote during Monday night's Regular Meeting of the BOA to "Consider Rails Reopening Plan Attendance Level for 4th Quarter."

Currently, SASD is at “Level Two” of the “Rails Reopening Plan,” meaning that students have a “remote learning” day on Wednesdays.

In a memo from SASD Administrator Dr. David Aslyn to the BOE on February 24, 2021, titled “Administrative Recommendation on Fourth Quarter Student Attendance Level,” Superintendent Aslyn recommended for SASD to remain at "Level Two." The memo cites total cumulative positive cases for Washburn and Burnett County.

Superintendent Aslyn stated to DrydenWire.com today that although everyone is anxious for school to fully and safely return, that that time is not now.

“The administrative recommendation of continuing at Level 2 of the Rails Reopening Plan is based on the intent to continue to support our students with quality learning experiences as well as providing outside the school day and extra-curricular opportunities all while making the health and safety of our students and staff the high priority it needs to be. The SASD has been able to keep the school doors open and the lights on for students nearly uninterruptedly since the start of the school year. With the exception of two days at SHS and one day at SMS, school had been carried out as scheduled this year. Numerous school districts have not been able to achieve that high operational level. Having adequate staffing is key to keeping school open. Staff COVID-19 vaccination opportunities have come later to the SASD than in numerous other school districts in Wisconsin. Approximately two-thirds of our staff have consented to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. In a best case scenario, that fraction of our staff would be a number of weeks away from being considered fully vaccinated. Broad-based community vaccination opportunities are not scheduled to begin until closer to summer. We want to continue to provide good opportunities for students and avoid the hazard of a shut down. Everyone is anxious for the time when school can safely return to something that looks closer to normal. Unfortunately, that time has not come yet.”

With active cases in Washburn and Burnett County recently hovering around 15-20, students already participating in in-person learning 4 days a week, and the continued hardship of where to send their children on the Wednesdays when their children are not at school, not all parents are supportive of the continuation of a "Level Two" plan for the 4th Quarter.

Tonight’s meeting is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend provided you mask up and follow social distancing guidelines. The Regular Meeting of the BOA will also be streamed live on the SASD Facebook page.

The 4th Quarter begins April 1st.

Last Update: Mar 16, 2021 6:08 am CDT

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