
Sen. Schachtner Statement Following Withdrawal From ACA Lawsuit

"The ACA, while not perfect, provides crucial consumer protections..."

Sen. Schachtner Statement Following Withdrawal From ACA Lawsuit

MADISON, Wis. -- Wisconsin State Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) released the following statement after Attorney General Josh Kaul withdrew Wisconsin from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) lawsuit:

“Today, Attorney General Josh Kaul fulfilled his promise to protect our health care. The ACA, while not perfect, provides crucial consumer protections like pre-existing conditions coverage and bans on lifetime and annual limits. These protections have helped millions of Americans gain access to comprehensive and preventative health care.

“While we can work to improve the ACA, we cannot afford to go back to the days when insurance companies held the power to retroactively end coverage if they deemed treatments too costly for their bottom line. Today’s decision to withdraw from partisan and irresponsible litigation provides a new opportunity to work together. I remain committed to working with my legislative colleagues to address the health care challenges facing Wisconsinites.”

Last Update: Mar 21, 2019 3:46 pm CDT

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