
Rural Wisconsin Initiative: RuralCast Episode 1: Kelly Tourdot

Rural Wisconsin Initiative: RuralCast Episode 1: Kelly Tourdot

Editor's Note: The Rural Wisconsin Initiative has started a podcast called the RuralCast.  You can listen and/or download the podcast HERE. Episodes will be published every 2 weeks.

In 2016, rural legislators in the Assembly came together around a simple idea: in order to truly move Forward, Wisconsin’s rural residents can’t be left behind. To help keep rural Wisconsin in the conversation, they formed the Rural Wisconsin Initiative. The RWI focuses on bipartisan policy solutions related to Education, Health Care, Workforce Development, and Technology. Now, we’re taking the conversation live with the RuralCast. We’ll be talking to policy experts and innovators from across the state to discuss the challenges, and the incredible potential, that our Rural areas face.

RuralCast Episode 1: Kelly Tourdot

We're talking rural Wisconsin! In order to truly move Forward, Wisconsin’s rural residents can’t be left behind. The Rural Wisconsin Initiative hosts policy experts and innovators from across the state to discuss the challenges, and the incredible potential, that our rural areas face. Episode 1 features Kelly Tourdot, Vice President at Associated Builders & Contractors of Wisconsin, Inc. We talk about apprenticeships & workforce opportunities: rural Wisconsin has an incredible work ethic, and the skilled trades offer a sometimes-overlooked pathway to community revitalization.

Click the Play Button Below

Last Update: Sep 19, 2018 5:57 pm CDT

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