
Tom Tiffany: I’m Running For My Family - And Yours

"I’m running for Congress to keep America great."

Tom Tiffany: I’m Running For My Family - And Yours

Growing up on a small farm near Elmwood with my seven brothers and sisters, I learned the value of hard work.

We didn’t rely on the government. We put our nose to the grindstone, did our chores, and pitched in to help with our 50 cows so our family could succeed. While I didn’t know it at the time, we were considered poor. No opportunity seemed too far-fetched with our self-reliant mindset. We grew up believing in freedom and dreaming the American dream.

With perseverance, we achieved it. My wife, Chris, and I became the owners of an excursion boat business, Wilderness Cruises. For many years, we had the pleasure of entertaining people on the Willow Flowage.

Over time, I saw how problems were growing in state government. Red tape and regulations were crippling businesses. Taxes were too high. Wisconsinites were losing their jobs, and our state had multi-billion-dollar deficits.

Something needed to change. Madison needed a healthy dose of Northwoods common sense. So I stepped up, and I did something about it.

It wasn’t easy. Democrats fled the state, conservatives faced recall attempts, some had paramilitary-style raids on their homes, and our Capitol saw protests unlike ever before. None of that deterred me from fighting for freedom and looking out for my daughters, family, and neighbors.

Using the work ethic my parents taught me, I served with my colleagues to cut taxes by $13 billion and help more Wisconsinites get to work than ever before. We were able to ban late-term abortions and enact pro-2nd Amendment policies like concealed carry and Castle Doctrine.

Now, when I look at the federal government, it’s clear our nation is in a state of emergency.

Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want to dismantle healthcare as we know it. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would destroy Wisconsin agriculture and manufacturing with her excessive regulations in the Green New Deal. Socialism is the norm for Congressional Democrats, who no longer value freedom and want to completely upend our Wisconsin way of life.

Meanwhile, the deep state is trying to undermine President Trump at every turn. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her allies marched in lockstep toward impeachment instead of working quickly on policies for real Americans, like securing our southern border or enacting the USMCA trade deal.

This isn’t the America I dreamt of for my daughters, Karlyn, Lexie, and Katherine, who like all of our children, deserve every opportunity promised in the American dream. The government shouldn’t stand in the way of their life, liberty, and happiness.

President Trump needs more allies in Congress like me, who have proven they will get results for all of our hardworking families in rural America.

Wisconsinites can count on me to stand with the President and support free and fair trade deals. These deals will help our Northern and Western Wisconsin farmers and manufacturers.

I’ll work to lower the price of health care and increase access. I’ll champion delisting the gray wolf. I’ll fight to build a border wall so we can fight against the influx of drugs that are scourging our communities. And to stop future generations from being saddled with this offensive federal debt, I’ll roll up my sleeves to lower out-of-control spending.

I’m running for Congress to keep America great. We must ensure our children and grandchildren can grow up with the same freedom and opportunity that we did. I hope I can count on your vote in the Tuesday, February 18, primary.

- Tom Tiffany

*Paid for by Tiffany for Wisconsin, Inc*

Last Update: Feb 18, 2020 8:25 am CST

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