
Adam Jarchow Formally Launches Campaign For Attorney General

Today, Adam Jarchow formally launched his campaign for Wisconsin Attorney General.

Adam Jarchow Formally Launches Campaign For Attorney General

BALSAM LAKE, WI -- Today, Adam Jarchow formally launched his campaign for Wisconsin Attorney General, vowing to restore leadership to the Attorney General’s office and stop the encroachment of government in our lives. The attorney and small businessman has been a consistent leader in the conservative movement, fighting against efforts to take away the rights of individuals, families, and businesses.

Adam filed paperwork to run for Attorney General last October following Ryan Owens’ departure from the race, believing it critical that Republicans nominate a principled, tested conservative to face Josh Kaul. He is now formally launching the campaign after meeting with residents across the state who are concerned about the need to stop Democrats’ increasingly brazen and harmful attempts to control our lives.

“Josh Kaul has been a complete failure as attorney general. On his watch, violent crime is up and police are under attack; parents are being made voiceless in their kids’ education; and illegal mandates pushed by Tony Evers and Joe Biden have hurt hard-working Wisconsinites,” said Adam Jarchow. “We need an attorney general with the backbone to stand up against the liberal politicians and unchecked bureaucrats who are working in overdrive to strip away our freedoms – not someone who will enable them. I am a tested, consistent conservative with a proven record of getting things done.”

During the recent illegal Evers lockdowns, Adam helped fight back by representing a group of small business owners (for free) in the Supreme Court case that ultimately overturned the Stay-at-Home Order. He’ll bring that same kind of freedom-fighter mentality to the job of Attorney General. Adam’s top 5 priorities in office will include:

  • Restoring election integrity
  • Stopping violent crime and backing the badge
  • Standing with parents
  • Fighting Biden lawlessness and mandates
  • Stopping Madison bureaucrats

About Adam

Adam has practiced law for nearly 20 years and helps his wife, Barbara, run their small businesses. In 2014, Adam was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly, where he fought for smaller, limited government and worked against the bureaucratic deep state; voters re-elected him by a wide margin in 2016. Adam was the lead author of several conservative reforms that were signed into law by Governor Walker. As a result of Adam’s legislative leadership, numerous business and agricultural associations – representing hard-working people across the state – recognized his efforts including the Wisconsin Builders Association, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Dairy Business Association, the Wisconsin Taxpayers Association, Wisconsin REALTORS Association, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, and the Wisconsin Grocers Association.

Adam is an avid sportsman and lover of the outdoors. He can often be found hunting, fishing, canoeing, water-skiing, and snowmobiling. The greatest joy in Adam’s life has been sharing his love of Wisconsin’s great outdoors with his kids.

Adam has spent nearly a decade as a volunteer firefighter with the Apple River Fire Department. He also helped start the Polk County K-9 Association, which raises money for the Polk County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Unit.

Learn more about Adam and his campaign for Attorney General by visiting AdamforAG.com.

Last Update: Jan 19, 2022 4:01 pm CST

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