WATCH: Kou Lee On DrydenWire!
Wisconsin Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate, Kou Lee, was today's guest on DrydenWire Live!
WATCH: Kim Backstrom Shares Her Story From Poland And The Work She Is Doing To Help Refugees
Kim shared her story of helping refugees fleeing the war, and how God is working in her life.
WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy' - Level 95!
Today Ben publicly states his leanings, and Fitzy discusses 4 recent press releases from Barron County Sheriff’s Dept.
WATCH: Rebecca Kleefisch On DrydenWire!
Republican candidate for Wisconsin Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch, was today's guest on DrydenWire Live!
WATCH: Rep. Tom Tiffany On 'Breakfast With Tiffany' - May, 2022
Ben Dryden was joined by Congressman Tom Tiffany for this month’s episode of 'Breakfast With Tiffany!'
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 94
Renee Luell, Executive Director at Lakeland Family Resource Center, joined Ben & Fitzy today!
WATCH: Meet The Candidate: Ben Voelkel
Republican candidate for Wisconsin Lt. Governor, Ben Voelkel, was Ben Dryden's guest today on DrydenWire Live!
WATCH: Meet The Candidate: Kevin Nicholson
Republican candidate for Wisconsin Governor, Kevin Nicholson, was Ben Dryden's guest today on DrydenWire Live!
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 93
Sheriff Brent Walk and Mayor Kirk Anderson joined Ben Dryden for this week's show!
WATCH: Ben Dryden Chats With 23rd Senate District Candidate Brian Westrate
Brian Westrate joined founder Ben Dryden for a live video podcast.
WATCH: Candidate For Lt. Governor, Will Martin, On DrydenWire!
Will Martin joined Ben Dryden for a live chat Thursday morning.
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 92 founder Ben Dryden and Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald were back for their 92nd episode!
ICYMI: Adam Jarchow, Local Sheriffs Visit Southern Border
Adam Jarchow, Sheriff Knudson, and Sheriff Waak joined Ben & Fitzy Live from the southern border.
Ben Dryden Chats W/ 25th Senate District Candidate Romaine Quinn
Topics Included: Maps; Broadband; Bond/Bail; Enbridge Pipeline; & More!
WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy' - Ep. 91
Adam Jarchow, Sheriff Waak, and Sheriff Knutson join the fellas remotely from the southern border.
ICYMI: Forward Analytics Director Dale Knapp On DrydenWire Live!
Dale Knapp was on to showcase a new study he has authored on the historic state revenue surplus, and options on how to best use taxpayers money.
WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy' - Ep. 90
This week's discussion topic: Restraining Orders
WATCH: Independent Candidate For Guv: Joan Beglinger
Wisconsin Independent Gubernatorial Candidate, Joan Berglinger was today's guest on DrydenWire live!
WATCH: Adam Jarchow On 'Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy'
Candidate for Wisconsin AG, Adam Jarchow, joined Ben & Fitzy for a live show Tuesday morning!
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 88
Ben's Uncle Al -- a retired police detective from the Chicago metro area -- was this week's guest!
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 87
Ben Dryden and Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald were back for their latest Ben & Fitzy show episode!
WATCH: Congressman Tiffany Joins DrydenWire Live! founder Ben Dryden was joined by 7th Congressional District Rep. Tom Tiffany.
WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Ep. 86
Ben Dryden and Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald were back for their latest Ben & Fitzy show episode!