
Senator Stafsholt: Supports Senate Election Investigation

Rob Stafsholt issued the following statement in response to the non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau audit of the November 2020 election.

Senate Leaders To Launch Election Investigation Following Audit

“The LAB Audit findings make it clear further information, changes at WEC needed.”

Senator Bewley: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

"I hope people will see through this cynical attempt to feign allegiance to the concept of fairness."

Senator Stafsholt: Disappointed Court Ends Wolf Hunt, Yet Again

“It is time for Governor Evers and Attorney General Kaul to stop acting in the interest of radical anti-hunting and anti-Second Amendment groups, and start following the law"

Gov. Evers Slams GOP Maps, Presses Legislature To Take Up Maps Prepared By The People’s Maps Commission

Governor to Republicans: “Go back to the drawing board.”

Americans For Prosperity: Endorses Romaine Quinn For State Senate

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) announced its endorsement of Romaine Quinn running for State Senate District 25

Legislative Leaders Introduce New District Maps

Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos introduced the new maps for Congressional, Assembly and Senate districts.

Sen. Bewley: Senate Republicans Once Again Attack Reproductive Freedoms

Janet Bewley: "The vast majority (79%) of Americans support legal abortion, but Republicans choose to appease their base."

Senator Stafsholt Announces Broadband Access Grants

Ten grants awarded to various communities in the 10th Senate District

Rep. Milroy Disappointed With Partisan Approach To Sporting Heritage

Rep. Nick Milroy: ‘The citizens of Wisconsin deserve better’

WILL, Scott Walker Urge U.S. Supreme Court To Take Wisconsin Press Freedom Case

Case involves Governor Evers' decision to exclude certain journalists from press briefings

Former Representative Romaine Quinn Announces Candidacy For State Senate

Quinn stated that voters deserve to have a senator that shares their northern Wisconsin values.

Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order On Indigenous Peoples Day

Evers Signs EO on Indigenous Peoples Day Issuing Formal Acknowledgement, Apology for State’s Historical Role in Indian Boarding Schools.

Rep. Milroy Joins Efforts To Expand Homestead Tax Credit

'Legislation would increase the maximum income and index the thresholds'

Gov. Evers Orders Flags To Half-Staff In Honor Of Wisconsin Firefighters

“Wisconsin firefighters are some of the strongest, bravest, and most resilient folks we have here in the state and we owe our public safety to them every single day,” said Gov. Evers.

Gov. Evers Grants 15 Pardons, Brings Total Pardons Granted To 278

Gov. Tony Evers announced today that he has granted another 15 pardons.

Rep. Armstrong: Working To Address Housing Shortage

“As executive director of the Barron County Economic Development Corporation, workforce housing is one of the biggest challenges to connecting workers to good-paying, family- supporting jobs"

Senator Stafsholt: Evers Administration Fails Sportsmen And Rural WI Again

Rob Stafsholt issued the following statement in response to the DNR's "unprecedented decision" to reject the Natural Resources Board NRB fall wolf hunt quota.

Republican Ryan Owens Drops Out Of Race For Attorney General

"To be clear, I strenuously disagree with the recent attacks against me. They are wrong. Wrong on principle and wrong on substance."

WILL To Kenosha County Health Department: No Legal Authority To Close Schools

Local health department told schools they could be closed due to COVID

Rep. Nick Milroy: Wisconsin Deserves Fair Maps

A Guest Column from Representative Nick Milroy

Gov. Evers, Legislators Introduce Legislative Package To Invest In Agricultural Industries And Farm Families  

Legislation aims to build off Gov. Evers' 2021-23 biennial budget investments

Civics Education Bill Passes Assembly

“Only half of Americans could name all three branches of government, and nearly a quarter could not name a single one,” said Rep. Vos.

Rep. Magnafici Takes Lead On Accountability

'The first bill, Assembly Bill 414, ensures racist and sexist ideas such as Critical Race Theory are not pushed on state employees.'