Wisconsin Supreme Court Primary Election Results

Election results from Tuesday's non-partisan primary election for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Governor Evers' Hyper-Far-Left Budget Proposal Divides Wisconsin, Prioritizes Milwaukee & Madison

Rep. Gae Magnafici is encouraging public to share their feedback and express any concerns they may have by completing a survey.

Rep. Armstrong Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

State Rep. Dave Armstrong joined his legislative colleagues on the evening of February 15 to hear Governor Tony Evers’ 2023-2025 state budget address.

Senator Rob Stafsholt Reacts To Evers’ Proposal

Senator Rob Stafsholt issued the following statement about Governor Evers’ proposed budget.

Rep. Green Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

Rep. Chanz Green is cautiously optimistic with Governor Tony Evers’ budget request to the Wisconsin State Legislature and issued the following statement.

Gov. Evers Delivers 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message

Gov. Tony Evers delivered his 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message on Wednesday night.

Gov. Evers Proposes Ignition Interlock Device Use For All OWI Offenses (Including 1st Offense)

Governor’s plan bolsters reckless and drunk driving penalties.

Armstrong Announces Spooner Listening Session, February 24

“Spooner recently moved into the 75th District from the 73rd, so I thought it would be a great location for the first session.”

Senator Quinn And Representative Sapik Announce Grantsburg Listening Session

This listening session will be held at the following location and time.

Senator Quinn And Representative Green Announce Listening Sessions

This round of listening sessions will be held on Friday, February 17th at the following locations and times.

Gov. Evers Appoints Kirsten Johnson To DHS Secretary

The appointment fills the vacancy created by former Secretary Karen Timberlake’s departure at the end of last year.

Tiffany Appointed As House Natural Resources Subcommittee Chairman

Congressman Tom Tiffany Will Chair the Subcommittee on Federal Lands.

Tiffany Introduces The Justice For Murder Victims Act

"This bipartisan proposal will eliminate the archaic ‘year-and-a-day’ rule to ensure murderers are held accountable and victims receive justice"

AG Kaul Joins Coalition Filing Brief In Support Of New York Law Banning Guns In Places Of Worship

Coalition Argues That States have Authority to Protect Sensitive Places from Gun Violence.

Representative Gae Magnafici Weighs In On The Governor's 2023 State Of The State Address

Rep. Magnafici has issued the following statement in response to Governor Evers' State of the State address.

Rep. Armstrong Responds To State Of The State Address

Rep. Dave Armstrong joined his fellow legislators at the State Capitol Tuesday night to hear Gov. Tony Evers’ annual State of the State address.

Rep. Green Statement On The State Of The State Address

Representative Chanz Green issued the following statement about the governor’s annual State of the State address.

Senator Quinn Reacts To State Of The State Address

State Senator Romaine Robert Quinn issued this statement following Governor Evers’ 2023 State of the State Address.

Gov. Evers Delivers 2023 State Of The State Address

Gov. Tony Evers delivered his 2023 State of the State address Tuesday night.

Wisconsin Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce ATF’s Rule On Pistol Braces

Sheriff Waak says recent rule change 'is a clear violation of the constitution.'

Rep. Green Votes To Amend State Constitution On Bail

“This proposed constitutional amendment will help ensure public safety while also protecting due process for criminal defendants.”

Rep. Dave Armstrong Votes For Bail Amendment, Work Search Requirements

Both questions will appear on the general spring ballot in April.

Rep. Gae Magnafici Takes Action To Reform Bail System With Constitutional Amendment Vote

This legislation, if passed, would give courts the ability to take into account more relevant factors when setting bail.

Wisconsin Legislature Recognizes The American Birkebeiner

Adopts Resolution Declaring February 20-26 as American Birkebeiner Week in Wisconsin