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Natural Connections: Big Tracks and Cold Toes
Black Bear!
Emergency Rules Now In Place For Harvesting Catfish By Hand, Bow And Crossbow
Emergency rules establishing bag limits, season dates, and other regulations
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Natural Connections: Puffins
Horned puffins look pretty similar to Atlantic puffins. Black backs, white bellies, round white faces, orange and yellow bills, and an striking crease like Cleopatra’s winged eyeliner extending back from their eyes earn them the nickname “clowns of the sea.”
Conservation Wardens Investigating Deer Poaching Across Wisconsin
Cases Involve Multiple Suspects Illegally Killing Deer
Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning This Hunting Season
To protect yourself and your family from carbon monoxide, follow these safety tips
Natural Connections: 'Killin’ It'
Why would this creature of the sea spend time at the surface? It’s easy to look at their fish-like body and forget that killer whales need to breathe air.
Duffy’s Legislation To Delist The Gray Wolf Passes House
The Manage Our Wolves Act passed the House in a bipartisan manner, 196-180
Wisconsin State Park System To Launch Enhanced Campsite Reservation System
The new campsite reservation system will allow campers to search for sites with specific features, such as waterfront sites.
Hunters and Firewood: Buy It Where You Burn It
The Department of Natural Resources prohibits bringing firewood onto state lands from more than 10 miles away
Natural Connections: Ptarmigans On Top Of The World
Alaska is home to three species of ptarmigans. White-tailed ptarmigans seek out alpine neighborhoods with marmots, mountain goats, and Dall sheep. Their range is limited to North America.
Teaching and Display Garden Wins Award
This is the 6th consecutive year that the garden has been recognized for its educational efforts, creative landscape designs and promotion of new proven varieties of flowers and vegetables.